Omelets and hot sauce

At, Justin Watt has been chronicling — through words and beautiful photos — his hiking on the trails of California. Justin also writes about food and cooking, and his latest post is about his perfect omelet. Inspired by Justin, but also in the habit of eating eggs in the evening, I made a simple omelet tonight. Once the omelet was plated, I topped it with five dashes of homemade hot sauce, bright with the flavor of the cayenne peppers bought at the Carrboro Farmers Market late last summer. The recipe in Mrs. Wheelbarrow’s Practical Pantry is an excellent guide for canning and preserving, and I’m already studying it to plan for this summer’s bounty. Until then, I’ll monitor the few jars of hot sauce left stashed in the pantry next to a couple remaining jars of homemade scuppernong grape juice.



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