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Closing for renovations

I’m redesigning Zuiker Chronicles Online (zuiker.com), and will be relaunching the site soon. I want to know if my relatives would like to be part of the team that keeps the site updated and interesting. Here are some ways you can get involved:

A. Write your own weblog. (A weblog is like a news page, with frequent updates about what’s up in your life or work, like what I do at http://mistersugar.com.) I’ll create everything you need to run your weblog – all you’ll have to do is log in, write your news message and hit the publish button.

B. Be a writer on a group weblog. If a few of you agree to participate, I’ll create one weblog on the site, and we can all share news and messages on that.

C. Have your own page on the site, where you can provide information, links and contact details, even a resume. Uncle Mike might want a page linking to his store’s website, and Linda might want a page showing her eBay auctions.

D. Send me digital photographs of your families and any reunions, travels or meetings. I want to have lots of pictures of our family, but I need help getting those pictures.

E. Add your voice to the site. I’ll have a way for you to call a number, leave a voicemail message, and have that message automatically get saved to the site so others can hear your message.

F. Help maintain the family tree and research our shared genealogy.

Contact me by email or phone, or leave a comment here, to tell me how you’d like to get involved.
